Hi, Sorry to take up your time when you have produced such great articles already. I think I have been reading and researching too much, so now I feel overwhelmed. Please tell me exactly what I should buy. I understand we need to treat each stage of the flea cycle. We live in the Florida Keys and I cannot control the environment as far as the wild cats that are so prevalent and coming through the yard. We have a 10-12lb Pom mix that uses the yard of course to do his business. I have products from the vet to take care of him. Orkin just treated the house and barrier on the outside. We washed bedding in hot water. I understand we need to vacuum regularly. Here are my questions. 1) What do I buy to treat the flea cycle inside the house and in the yard? 2) Can I use anything on the furniture? 3) Do You carry everything I need including a sprayer to hook up to the hose? 4) Do I need to use protective devices when applying? Please help. We live with my dad at the moment and his wife is not thrilled about the dog. Thanks, Cindi
I use the liquid flea control treatments on my dog, yet I have found fleas in her fur. Just one or two at a time — and i THOROUGHLY check. I have given her a flea bath, cleaned everything in the house and have used the powder treatment on carpets, floors and furniture, given her another bath using the shampoo, AND I STILL FIND one or two fleas on her. I tried to give her a treatment, keep her outside while I cleaned the house, and then shampooed her with the flea shampoo before letting her back in, and this morning — another flea on her. I’m not getting bitten and I haven’t seen any in the house, but I just don’t know what to do!! is she just getting them outside and they are biting her and dying b/c of the flea treatment (not reproducing?). I’m at a loss here.
What would you say is the best product to get rid of fleas in the back yard and house?
It would depend on the problem. If I was to see active fleas in the yard, I would consider this to be bad problem. In other words, if I were to walk casually through my property and get 1-5 fleas on me at most anytime of the day or night, this would be a really bad infestation that needs fast acting products applied. For a problem like this I’d apply the BIFEN GRANULES followed by CYONARA RTS over the top. I’d expect to spray with the Cyonara every 4-7 days and keep spraying until I was able to walk outside without seeing any. As our FLEA CONTROL article explains, pupae will be hatching for some time following the treatment which is why I would keep liquid spraying.
Could a opossum in the back yard leave fleas in the yard that could then jump onto my dogs.. we had a full grown one trapped by the dogs in the yard and then with in 2 days they were all scratching and we found one that jumped off one of the dogs onto my husband…