Hi, Sorry to take up your time when you have produced such great articles already. I think I have been reading and researching too much, so now I feel overwhelmed. Please tell me exactly what I should buy. I understand we need to treat each stage of the flea cycle. We live in the Florida Keys and I cannot control the environment as far as the wild cats that are so prevalent and coming through the yard. We have a 10-12lb Pom mix that uses the yard of course to do his business. I have products from the vet to take care of him. Orkin just treated the house and barrier on the outside. We washed bedding in hot water. I understand we need to vacuum regularly. Here are my questions. 1) What do I buy to treat the flea cycle inside the house and in the yard? 2) Can I use anything on the furniture? 3) Do You carry everything I need including a sprayer to hook up to the hose? 4) Do I need to use protective devices when applying? Please help. We live with my dad at the moment and his wife is not thrilled about the dog. Thanks, Cindi